Friday 31 January 2014

NASA is planning to make water and oxygen on the Moon and Mars by 2020

Apollo 17's Jack Schmitt, raking some lunar soilCanada's Artemis Jr rover, which has been testing the RESOLVE payloadMars' east hemisphere, billions of years ago, when it might've been covered in water/atmosphereNASA is forging ahead with plans to make water, oxygen, and hydrogen on the surface of the Moon and Mars. If we ever want to colonize other planets, it is vital that we find a way of extracting these vital gases and liquids from moons and planets, rather than transporting them from Earth (which is prohibitively expensive, due to Earth’s gravity). The current plan is to land a rover on the Moon in 2018 that will try to extract hydrogen, water, and oxygen — and then hopefully, Curiosity’s successor will try to convert the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into oxygen in 2020 when it lands on Mars.
In 2018, NASA hopes to put a rover on the Moon that will carry the RESOLVE (Regolith andEnvironment Science and Oxygen & Lunar Volatile Extraction) science payload. RESOLVE will contain the various tools necessary to carry out in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). Basically, RESOLVE will sift through the Moon’s regolith (loose surface soil) and heat them up, looking for traces of hydrogen and oxygen, which can then be combined to make water. There is also some evidence that there’s water ice on the surface of the Moon — RESOLVE will find out for certain by heating the soil and seeing of water vapor emerges.

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